Welcome to the Dermatoscope.org forum by Roman Bronfenbrener
This forum was created to facilitate discussions amongst dermatologists and other healthcare practitioners with an interest in dermoscopy and cutaneous oncology. To build on lessons learned from prior websites, this site will attempt to give users greater ability to post images in high resolution, to better link to medical studies and articles, and to create polls to achieve consensus. 

To upload an image, either:
1) Use the "add image to post" button and have it automatically upload and insert your image. It will copy and paste the link for the image directly into your current post.
2) Use any image uploader of your choice (imgur/tinypic/etc.) and copy the URL directly into the forum post

Some things to note
 Please list whether the photograph you post is polarized or non-polarized. Alternatively, if you always post one image type, please let others know in your signature or profile
- Please remember you are posting online in the public domain, albeit on a private forum. Views expressed here are those of the posters only, and should not be substituted for sound medical advice under any circumstances. 
- Please protect your patients' privacy by blocking identifying information in your photos